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Главная » 2011 » Декабрь » 23
Adobe Photoshop CS6 Pre-Realese Portable (2011/Multi/Rus) | 80,4 MB Adobe Photoshop CS6 Portable - предрелизная версия программы для обработки растровой графики. Предназначенная для запуска на переносных носителях. Интересна в первую очеред коллекционерам или людям желающим ознакомиться с новой верси
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ArcSoft PhotoStudio Darkroom Portabl | 154.61 Mb ArcSoft PhotoStudio Darkroom 2 provides a variety of powerful yet easy-to-use editing functions for RAW files and gives you everything to retouch the photographs. PhotoStudio Darkroom 2 supports importing popular RAW photo format
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MyLogoMaker PRO 3.1.0 (Portable) | 354.46 MB MyLogoMaker Professional brings you the easiest, most intuitive Logo Design software on the market today! In just minutes you can create professional logos and taglines for a new business or organization, or renew and refresh a current one without having to outs
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Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Design Standard (2011/RUS/ENG) | 3,67 GB (+3% recovery) Adobe® Creative Suite® 5.5 Design Standard software combines industry-standard tools for editing digital images, creating vector graphics, and laying out top-quality print documents with elegant typography. Extend beyond print
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